Chapter 2 has reviewed the conceptual and theoretical frames for this study.
Concepts were presented about the work of literature reviewing, both in relation to PhD
dissertation writing as a journey, and in relation to the PhD mentoring relationship.
Constructs were presented on how the mentoring relationship can guide the mentee
during the dissertation literature review as a cognitive apprenticeship. Theoretical
constructs of perspective transformation theory of Mezirow (1984), transcendental
phenomenological method of Moustakas (1995), cognitive apprenticeship and the
dissertation writing journey (Wolff, 2010) were presented; and, learning as socially
constructed (Bandura, 1977) which leads to acquiring an advanced skill set for
scholarship activity. Membership in a scholarly community, and scholar-practitioner
skills of research, are communicated socially within the paradigm followed by the
community (Kuhn, 2012).

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Since this study questioned how faculty mentors guide their
research mentees during their dissertation literature reviews and writing journey, brief
historical background was included on the PhD degree, literature reviews, transcendental
phenomenology, cognitive apprenticeships, conceptual frameworks, methodological
issues, and paradigm structures in natural and human sciences research.
Chapter 2 has also presented this study’s original constructs of literature
reviewing as a transcendental phenomenon based upon Moustakas (1995), and literature
reviewing as scholarly work done by a researcher which leads to a transformation of
perspective, based upon Mezirow (1984). Paradigm structure as presented by Kuhn
(2012) supported this study’s constructs for literature reviewing as leading to the gradual
introduction of newer theoretical constructs, concepts, and context for refining or
extending previous research (Knight & Cross, 2012).
Chapter 3, which follows, will introduce the methodology and methods for this
study. The remaining chapters 4 and 5 will report the results and discuss the findings to
conclusion. The concluding sections include a reference list and appendices.